Slightly Imperfect Cup Sleeves
Most imperfections are small and not super noticeable such as (but not limited to) a slight print smudge or tiny ink dot(s). All sales are final, so please make sure you're okay with having a slight imperfection or blemish on the sleeve before purchasing. Imperfections DO NOT affect the usability of the sleeve!
+ Ideal for most 16-20oz cups
+ Fits most small and medium fast food cups
+ Fits on most can glasses and some mason jars as well
(Starbucks - grande, venti | Dunkin - small, medium)
+ Ideal for most 20-24oz cups
+ Fits most medium (and some large) fast food cups
(Starbucks - venti | Dunkin - medium)
+ Ideal for most 30-32oz cups
+ Fits most large fast food cups
(Starbucks - trenta | McDonald's, Dunkin - large)
Cup sleeves are stretchy and can fit on a wide variety of sizes! They are made with a durable yet stretchy material, and for the first several uses, you might need to pull the sleeve up more intentionally to ensure the sleeve is fully on your cup and the bottom will sit flat. Over time the cup sleeve will get more relaxed and have an easier time slipping onto cups without much help.
We recommend handwashing in cool to warm water with mild soap and then let air dry. Make sure it’s completely dry before using!
Due to the manufacturing process of the neoprene material, there can sometimes be a plasticky scent when first opening, but the scent will begin to fade as it’s out of the package and airing out! To speed up the process, we recommend handwashing using the instructions listed above.